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News & Announcements

Check this page, or the News and Announcements box on the homepage, for the latest official news and announcements released by the court. You can also access archived news and announcements from this page. 

Mon, 08/04/2014

The Western District of Louisiana Bankruptcy will be performing routine maintenance of our CM/ECF filing system this weekend, August 8 - 10, 2014.  Access will be closed to the filing system Friday, August 8 at 5:00 PM.  The CM/ECF filing system...

Tue, 07/29/2014

In order to address the recent rash of late objections filed by debtors
to motions to dismiss filed by the chapter 13 trustee, the court will
begin strictly enforcing the response deadline.
Please see attached...

Mon, 07/21/2014

You are cordially invited to attend the Third Annual Bankruptcy Seminar

Date: July 24, 2014  8:00 AM - 3:15 PM (Registration 8:00 AM)
Location: Western District of Louisiana Bankruptcy Court...

Tue, 04/29/2014

 The Judicial Conference has approved changes to the Bankruptcy Court Miscellaneous Fee Schedule which become effective June 1, 2014.  The fees will changes according to the ...

Fri, 01/31/2014

Beginning Friday, February 7 at 3:00PM our court will be transitioning over to  a new hardware system for our CM/ECF document filing system.  Please have all filings completed by 3:00PM on that date, as the...

Thu, 01/23/2014

A new event has been added to CM/ECF for use when amending or supplementing the original filing of Forms B6I (Schedule I) and B6J (Schedule J). Please see "Notice...

Tue, 11/19/2013
The attached file is a summary of the upcoming changes to the Federal Bankruptcy Rules and Forms effective December 1, 2013. Detailed information is available at located at the tabs for...
Fri, 11/08/2013

The U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Louisiana Court has been experiencing a high volume of returned e-mails from secondary e-mail addresses associated with User Accounts.  Accordingly, all attorneys/trustees/creditors...

Tue, 10/29/2013

Effective November 1, 2013, the new public counter hours for each of the divisional offices (Alexandria, Lafayette and Shreveport) of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Louisiana will be 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m., Monday...
