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CM/ECF Document Filing

Access to file documents into the Western District of Louisiana Bankruptcy CM/ECF Document Filing System is at no charge to the user.  Access to view documents filed in a bankruptcy court is provided through the PACER Public Access to Court Electronic Records, and is a fee-based service. 

Attorneys admitted to practice in the Western District of Louisiana, or whose Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice has been granted for a specific case, are entitled to full filing access.  Training in CM/ECF filing is a requirement and may be obtained at no cost through our court trainers.  Training received from another Bankruptcy or District Court is acceptable to meet this training requirement.

Trustees and employees filing as a representatives of the Trustee receive filing access specific to Trustee document types.  Trustee applicants should contact the appropriate divisional court trainer to schedule training.

Creditors or individuals needing only to file proofs of claim, transfers of claim, and/or limited noticing requests will receive a limited access filing account. Creditors may complete the online training modules provided by the US Courts or contact the nearest bankruptcy court for in-person CM/ECF training.


Western District of Louisiana Document Filing System