To ensure the creditors listed on the creditor mailing matrix are properly added to a case, please observe the following guidelines.
- The creditor matrix must be saved as a .txt file in order to “Upload a Creditor Matrix File” in CM/ECF.
- Lists should be typed in a single column with a double line between each creditor.
- Names and addresses must be left margin justified.
- The name line may contain no more than 50 characters including blanks.
- Each address line may contain no more than 40 characters including blanks.
- Do not capitalize the entire matrix, only proper names. Please use Initial Capitals, only.
- The name and address of each creditor cannot be more than 5 lines. If an address is more than 5 lines, the 6th line will be combined with the 5th line and the 7th and 8th lines will be cut short.
- City, state, and zip code must be on the last line.
- Nine digit zip codes much be typed with a hyphen separating the two groups of digits.
- Spaces in the first position of a line will cause an exception report for that creditor. Prevent proper noticing.
- Do not use special characters such as ! @ $ % * ( ) _ + | ~ - = \ ` { } [ ] : " ; ' < > ? , / , ½ , or ^. They will cause problems. The # and & characters have not been reported to cause errors.
- Do not include account numbers or phone numbers on the list.
- Attention lines should be placed on the second line of the name/address.
- Do not include page numbers, headers, footers, etc...
- Do not duplicate addresses on the matrix.
- Do not list creditors with incomplete addresses on the matrix. Complete addresses are required in order to notice properly.
- Do not include the following on your creditor matrix. These are automatically included on the matrix once the case is entered into our system.
- Debtor
- Joint Debtor
- Attorney for Debtor(s)
- U.S. Trustee
- LA Dept. Of Employment and Training (Labor)
- LA Dept. Of Revenue and Taxation
- The Sheriff for the parish in which the debtor(s) resides should be listed on the matrix. A list of sheriff’s addresses is available here.