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General Orders

December 18, 2009

General Order Regarding the Assignment of Cases in the Monroe Division (SUPERSEDED BY 2/1/10 ORDER; ARCHIVED)

November 30, 2009

Order In Re: Standing Order Regarding Utilization of a "No Look Fee with Sliding Scale" for Chapter 13 Cases Filed in the Shreveport and Monroe Divisions of the Western District of Louisiana and In Re: Standing Order Regarding Reimbursement of Fees or Expenses Advanced by Debtor Counsel from Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Estate for Chapter 13 Cases Filed in the Shreveport and Monroe Divisions of the Western District of Louisiana (ABROGATED 4/1/20)

November 30, 2009

Standing Order Regarding Utilization of a "No Look Fee with Sliding Scale" for Chapter 13 Cases Filed in the Shreveport and Monroe Divisions of the Western District of Louisiana (ABROGATED 4/1/20)

November 30, 2009

Standing Order Regarding Reimbursement of Fees or Expenses Advanced by Debtor Counsel from Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Estate for Chapter 13 Cases Filed in the Shreveport and Monroe Divisions of the Western District of Louisiana (ABROGATED 4/1/20)

October 29, 2009

Standing Order Repealing All Prior Orders, In Re: Notice to and Service Upon the United States of America

August 10, 2009

Standing Order Rescinding Standing Order of August 20, 2007, Regarding Closing Post BAPCPA Chapter 13 Cases in the Shreveport and Monroe Divisions of the Western District of Louisiana, and Setting Forth New Procedures for Chapter 13 Debtors Obtaining Discharges (RESCINDED BY 1/4/16 ORDER)

October 1, 2008

Notice and Order of Repeal and Sunset Date of General Order Regarding Adoption of Interim Bankruptcy Rules Regarding the Bankruptcy Abuse Protection and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 (ABROGATED 4/1/20)

December 11, 2007

Standing Order Requiring Uniform Plans of Repayment and Amended Plans for Chapter 13 Cases Filed in the Shreveport and Monroe Divisions of the Western District of Louisiana (ABROGATED 4/1/20)

November 21, 2007

Standing Order Regarding Required Attachment to Motions for Relief From Stay for Cases in the Shreveport, Monroe and Alexandria Divisions of the Western District of Louisiana (ABROGATED 4/1/20; LBR 4001-1)

October 23, 2007

Standing Order for Closing Post BAPCPA Chapter 13 Cases in the Alexandria Divisions of the Western District of Louisiana (AMENDED BY 2/13/12 ORDER)
