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Hearings and Clerk's Office Closures for January 17, 2018

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

The Alexandria, Lafayette, and Shreveport Clerk's offices will be closed to the public tomorrow, Wednesday, January 17. Regular telephone assistance will be available.

 SHREVEPORT HEARINGS  Court Hearings scheduled for Wednesday, January 17 WILL BE HELD.
MONROE HEARINGS  Due to anticipated inclement weather on Tuesday, January 16, and treacherous driving conditions on Wednesday, January 17, the Court will conduct all Monroe hearings scheduled for Wednesday, January 17 by telephone. Counsel for all parties should appear at the office of Gene Hastings for the telephone hearings. The Court will be taking up uncontested matters and 15 day orders as well as other matters which do not require testimony or argument of counsel. All counsel should advise their clients that they should not plan on attending court on Wednesday. Also, if travel for any attorney is dangerous, if possible, please advise Chambers (by calling Chambers and the Trustee's office or by email to and Any matters that must be continued will likely be continued to Thursday, January 18, or until a future court date in Monroe, depending on the availability of the parties and counsel as well as the urgency of the matter.
At this time, it is the intention of the Court that the Thursday, January 18 hearings and any matters continued to that date on Wednesday, shall be conducted as scheduled in the bankruptcy courtroom.
LAFAYETTE HEARINGS Court Hearings scheduled for Wednesday, January 17 are cancelled.