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National Creditor Registration Service

National Creditor Registration Services (NCRS) is a free service to give recipients options for bankruptcy noticing. Creditors may submit a preferred address for noticing or elect to complete an EBN (Electronic Bankruptcy Notice) agreement for paperless noticing.
The bankruptcy act of 2005, amendments to title 11 U.S.C. § 342(f), along with Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 2002(g), allow a creditor to specify a preferred address or addresses for all notices sent by the bankruptcy courts. Entities that register with the BNC will have notices sent from all bankruptcy courts, or by the individual bankruptcy court specified, redirected to a preferred mailing address. The selected addresses will be used for cases filed under all chapters of the Bankruptcy Code, effective within 30 days upon receipt. You may register online at Bankruptcy Noticing Center.
The Electronic Bankruptcy Noticing (EBN) program allows court notices to be transmitted electronically to notice recipients, eliminating paper notices completely. Bankruptcy noticing data may be received via Internet E-Mail or Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). Detailed information and applications can be found at the
To determine if a creditor has requested a Preferred Address and/or an Override of Preferred Address, you may use the court's CM/ECF website at using the following instructions. Access to this system does require a LOGIN, PASSWORD and CASE NUMBER associated with the creditor.
1. Once Logged into CM/ECF go to UTILITIES option from the blue menu bar
2. Click on MAILINGS, then click on MAILING MATRIX by CASE
3. Enter case number, check "Select All Participants for Case", click "Next", the mailing matrix will display
4. Creditors with a Preferred or Override Preferred address will be annotated with a lower case p in parenthesis (p).